A quick look at HTTP triggers on Google Cloud Functions
When writing Suet’s webhook, I went with Amazon’s API gateway + Lambda by default. After spending a couple of hours to write and deploy, I found out Amazon’s API gateway has no support for multipart/form-data, a content type Mailgun sends some webhook data in. Pheeew. Well, the good news is that allowed me to give Google Cloud Functions a spin.
The good parts:
- Google Cloud Function allows creating HTTP triggers directly. (A trigger is what tells your functions to run). You simply check a box and that’s it. If you need an HTTP trigger for your Lambda function, you need to connect it to API gateway which is another curve on its own.
- Because Cloud Function allows creating HTTP triggers directly, you can easily work with the request and response objects within the functions as exposed to the function
exports.myfunction = function(req, res) { // Play with req and res easily }
- Consequently, it is easy to handle request and response objects with middlewares. As an example, multipart/form-data can easily be handled in Cloud Functions with multer
const multer = require('multer') , parser = multer().none() ; exports.hook = function(req, res) { // Add multipart/form-data support parser(req, res, function(){ //... res.json({status: 'Ok'}); } }
- Unlike Lambda, there is no need to upload the node_modules folder. Cloud Functions installs the modules from the package.json file.
The bad parts:
- No environment variables. This is top on my list. I was really amazed Google would miss a feature like that.
- No custom domain support. This means I can’t map a Cloud Function URL like
behind a URL likehttps://hooks.suet.co/
- I know this is not HTTP related or for my use case but Cloud Functions could use scheduler triggers. (A scheduler allows you set when or a recurrent interval to run a function. This makes a good use for running cron jobs).
In defence of Google, Cloud Functions is still in beta though. I look forward to seeing it mature and can’t wait to see what they have up their sleeves.