10 Jul 2013

June 2013


Pheew...I have been too lazy to make posts of late. 10 days later, I remember I have to do a dev roundup for June. Oh, well, this will be short.


Between Friday 12th and Sunday 14th, I was privileged to join some great folks to build a blood donation web app. The simple idea is to get a database of blood donors and easily notify them when there is a need around them. The 3 days wasn't enough though. Well, you know, hackathons are not always as easiy as they seem. But we delivered. Did I have fun? Yes! Met new interesting geeks! Def! There are still things to be tidied though and I'm looking forward to that when I have some free time.

Check out the blog, the interesting photostream and most importantly, signup.


Remember Callpolls? There has been interesting progress. And no, not the new domain or number. But watchout, something interesting in the offing.


Twitter deprecated their version 1.0 API and users started asking questions. Some even mailed. So I did a some updates (1.0.27 (1.0a) and >) and redesigned the Twhii website.


We finally pushed up new design (v3). I also made some minor changes to the API.

I think that's about it. Well, the ones I remember and can share.


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My name is Opeyemi Obembe. I build things for web and mobile and write about my experiments. Follow me on Twitter—@kehers.


Next post: May 2013