13 Dec 2013


I had hopes for the year. Nothing big. But quite some expectations. At a point, it felt like it was really close. But then, that was just it.

I moved to Lagos somewhere in between. I had to be closer to the other team mates. I didn't like it. But it was necessary. Then things took a different turn few months after and I had to return (to Ib).

Did I learn new things and experience? Yes.

Opportunities? Yes.

More money? Fuck no!

So 12 months after, it feels like nothing really changed. I'm back to my bare tiny apartment. Well I like it here. It's calm and quiet.

I worked on a couple of things and experiments. One I am very happy about is Fonenode. I hinted about it in my March and June post. You'd be surprised at the traction even while still in private beta.

I sold Twhii. (I was too lazy to blog about it). I needed to cut out some things. (Or maybe I needed to find something new to waste my time on). But I made sure it was to someone with better plans for it. Twhii has been extremely useful to a lot of feature phone users and though I couldn't spend much time on it like I'd want to, I wanted someone who will.

I almost sold Stallls. I got a good offer. But the terms were hard and the other option didn't work out. I have no intentions of running it any longer so it's still open for buyout. Just shoot me a mail (kehers@gmail) if you are interested or want to ask any question about it. I've been thinking about what else to do with it though.

I am writing a book on API consumption. It details how to leverage existing data and platforms to build web apps. It also includes step to step tutorials for over 10 web apps built on various APIs including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Flickr, Google calendar and Plivo. It's not something to expect this year though. I will find time to put up a launch page later.

Damn. This year moved so fast.

Girlfriend wants me to come to family thanksgiving next weekend. Nah. The picture of talks, trying to fit in and all that is just not it for me now. I'd really love a quiet Christmas. Maybe just travel somewhere alone for a week or so. I was thinking Calabar (lovely quiet city. I served there). But besides the fact I can't afford that luxury at the moment, I don't deserve the holiday just yet. It just feels that way. I'd just travel to see my folks few days to Christmas and spend a week or so.

In all, I'm still grateful for the little things. Life, hope and grace as three.


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My name is Opeyemi Obembe. I build things for web and mobile and write about my experiments. Follow me on Twitter—@kehers.


Next post: Gumroad for subscriptions